How to Delete Someone Else’s Message in Discord Dm – Guide

How to Delete Someone Else’s Message in Discord Dm

Apparently a common and simple action on other platforms, but when it comes to Discord Dms, they are kind of carved in stone when they are sent from other people. A whole crowd is asking how to delete someone else’s message in Discord dm. It is really frustrating to see the messages sent by others … Read more

How to Challenge NPC in Genshin Impact TCG – Working Guide

How to Challenge NPC in Genshin Impact TCG

Genshin Impact TCG is a card game with a battle orientation where gamers can create decks that are powerful enough to overcome their opponents. These opponents could be in the form of NPC, friends, or other players from co-op mode and Teyyat. So, if you are asking how to challenge NPC in Genshin Impact TCG, … Read more