How to Send PDF Messenger – Step-by-Step Guide

You might have already shared thousands of images and videos via your Facebook messenger already. However, it should not be a surprise if I tell you that you can send PDF files just like any other file type. This article talks about how to send PDF messenger query asked by many people.

If you have been wondering what steps are involved in sending documents including PDF files and other types via Facebook messenger, well that involves a few steps that are not hard to follow.

How to Send PDF Messenger

Image of How to Send PDF Messenger

Communication does not just involve talking or posting text, audio, and longer videos on Facebook. A large part of it constitutes exchanging various documents and file types in digital format. Once, for this purpose, we considered email the one and only reliable source.

But times have changed. New venues have propped up that tells us that there are more ways to exchange documents and you do not solely need to depend on email platforms.

Now if you have been using Facebook Messenger for a while and sending and receiving various GIFs, images, videos, etc, then all you need is a nudge in the right direction.

Steps to Share Your PDFs on Facebook Messenger

The only prerequisite to make sure what you are sending is received by the other person, make sure the person on the other side is added to your profile. Otherwise, the sent message will go to message requests delaying the timely correspondence.

After that it is just all about following a few steps detailed below:

  1. Go to your messenger app on your mobile phone or the Facebook account on your laptop or computer from your favorite browser
  2. Tap the new message icon or the messenger icon in the top right of your PC screen
  3. This will open up a new dialog box. You can search the name of the receiver or directly type the full name
  4. Now, choose the ‘More Actions’ tab or it could be a ‘+’ icon
  5. Tap on the file or the paperclip icon to add your document
  6. This will open the full list of documents. Simply add the PDF file from your computer
  7. Press the enter or send icon and your message will be sent to the selected participant

After this step, it is now on the receiver’s side. He/she can tap to view it or get it on their computer or smartphone.

Now if you are using Facebook Lite the above-mentioned steps are applicable when using an Android device. If you have a regular messenger app on Android, the feature is currently unavailable.

Getting a PDF file on Your Mobile/Computer

This guide is for those who have just received a PDF on Facebook Messenger and they are not sure what to do next. Well, the steps are easy and simple to follow. Getting it off the app and onto your mobile device or computer is very easy.

  1. Simply open the messenger application and tap/click the PDF file that is on the screen. This will in most cases open a preview by default.
  2. On the top right corner, there is a direct option or there will be three dots. Tap/click on the dots and choose ‘Save PDF.’

It will be saved on your mobile phone or computer in the dedicated folder. At this time, you can change the location according to your needs and requirements.

Final Words

Most people, including regular users of Facebook Messenger, are often confused when it comes to sending PDF documents or other files. However, the steps are easy and very few. This article on how to send PDF messenger introduces you to the whole process. Now you can use this guide and share and receive your PDFs anytime, anywhere.

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