YouTube: How to Make Livestream Unlisted After Finishing It

This article deals with how to make livestream unlisted after finishing it. Live streaming has become a common thing. Now it is not only famous personalities but people with a decent following do this often to engage with their audience directly in real-time.

Live streaming has become a famous way of creating content from games to many other fields and subjects. Over time more and more content creators are using this option to get engaging sessions with their followers and subscribers. This way, they can create amazing videos that add value to their YouTube channel.

But if you are working along with the default settings in most cases your live stream will be posted to your profile and this video will be available for viewing after you have concluded your stream. Now the question is how to stop this.

How to Make Livestream Unlisted After Finishing It

Image of How to Make Livestream Unlisted After Finishing It

YouTube Live Streaming brings the content creators face to face with the audience. But after this interaction, most creators want to keep this recent interaction video private or unlisted from their video collection available for the public.

There is a simple way for the users to keep the streams private without sharing them with the world. But to get this done there are a few steps that need to be taken. After that, these live streams will be unlisted from your videos automatically until you decide to change the setting again.

Generally, as soon as a stream ends the live broadcast goes private thus enabling owners to unlist it if they want. During this time, the subscribers cannot view it. This is a great option making sure safety and privacy.

Thus the streamers get the chance to decide whether they want to make this video available for others or take it down and keep it private. If you are a streamer then you can add highlights and replays while using this live stream. This all can be done while keeping the stream private.

Steps for YouTube Livestream Unlisting

As soon as your stream ends there is a ‘Live Replay’ or ‘Unlist’ option enabling the users to rewatch the stream again. For the people who joined you in the middle or at the end can view it from the beginning. The reply stays there indefinitely and viewers can play this broadcast from start to end unlimited times. But if you want it to disappear, here is what you need to do:

  1. First, make sure you are logged in to your YouTube account. If you are not currently then use the sign-up on the top left corner of your computer or mobile phone app screen.
  2. Then go to settings and video manager tab.
  3. Now locate the video that you want to unlist.
  4. Click the edit button and find the ‘Privacy Settings Tab’
  5. Here you can select what you want with your video. Like Public, Private, and Unlisted.
  6. Choose ‘Unlisted’ and tap the ‘Save Changes button.

After this, your streamed video will be unlisted. But if you share a link to this video with other people including your subscriber and others with an active internet connection, they can still view it using this link unlimited times. The clips from this video can be used for highlights and other content easily.

Final Words

Live broadcasting is an effortless endeavor thanks to platforms like YouTube that do all the hard work in the back enabling content producers to simply focus on content delivery. Here I described for you the process of how to make livestream unlisted after finishing it in a session. You can add more value to it by sharing your views and experience in the comments section below. Other visitors would love to hear from you.

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