How to Lock FB Profile in Canada – Working Tips

Facebook profile lock is one superb feature that is 100% reliable if one wants their profile to be stalk-proof. Once locked only for the people who you have added as friends you and your activities are visible. This could be further improved by tinkering with privacy settings. Now some people are asking how to lock FB profile in Canada.

A useful feature, the Facebook lock is not available everywhere. Currently, it is only used by people in certain countries and regions. If your country does not fall in that category then you might not be able to find it in the list of options. These work in Canada as well.

How to Lock FB Profile in Canada

Image of How to Lock FB Profile in Canada

Social media comes with the perks of connectivity and easy sharing of ideas and thoughts. But at the same time, unintentionally or intentionally we are sharing a lot of information about ourselves and our near and dear ones that should be otherwise private.

No matter what using the blue shield and the keyhole icon you can keep most of it private and away from prying eyes of stalkers. This feature keeps the content and your activities online away from strangers.

You can overcome the geographical restrictions by changing a few things in the ‘Privacy Settings’ when the feature is not supported in your country such as Canada. By using it you significantly control who gets to see stories, profile pictures, posts, and photos, among other things.

How to Lock Facebook Profile

This is how you can do it. This method will only work in the support regions.

  1. Open Facebook and sign in to your account.
  2. From the mobile application press the ‘Profile’ at the bottom of the screen. If it is a web browser you are signed in through then click your name at the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Now tap and activate the three horizontal dots. You can find it in the upper-right corner of the profile.
  4. If the feature is available in your region or country you will find the ‘Lock Profile’ in the popped-up menu. Use it and all the information will be locked for outsiders except for your friends.

How to Lock Facebook Profile if the Option is Not Available

If the locking option is not available here is what you can do. First, try using a VPN service and log in from another region. Many regions such as India, Pakistan, Middle East are available.

Secondly, you can try tweaking privacy settings. Such as making your past posts and photos for only yourself or your friends’ list. This will have the same effect but your profile picture and cover photo are still accessible.

On the mobile app go to ‘Settings & Privacy > Settings’ and find ‘Posts > Limit who can see past posts.’ Here tap on ‘Limit Past Posts’ tap it again and you will press again to confirm it. On the computer tap on the menu on the top right and head to ‘Settings & Privacy’ and find ‘Settings’ and tap on ‘Privacy.’ Here select ‘Limit Past Posts’ and choose ‘Friends’ and confirm the action.

Now do the same for future posts. Here is how to do it:

On the smartphone app go to ‘Settings & Privacy’ and find ‘Settings’ now head to ‘Posts’ and locate ‘Who Can See Your Future Posts’ Here choose ‘Friends.’ For reels from the same ‘Settings’ go to ‘Posts’ find ‘Who Can See Your Future Reels’ and select the audience from ‘Reels Default Audience.’

On the computer the method goes like this: Go to the menu at the top-right and find ‘Settings & Privacy’ find ‘Settings.’ Now tap ‘Privacy’ go to ‘Edit’ next to ‘Who Can See Your Future Posts’ and choose ‘Friends’ from the list.

Hide Personal Info on Front:

For this go to your profile and tap ‘About’ Here select ‘Contact and Basic Info.’

Click/tap the pencil icon next to each bit of information and set ‘Privacy’ to ‘Friends’ or ‘Only Me.’ Now tap/click ‘Save.’

Final Words

If you are asking how to lock FB profile in Canada then there is no direct way to achieve that as the feature is not available in this region. But you can use a number of ways to get the same settings except for a few. Such as by hiding the about information, and changing who can see past and future posts on your profile.

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