How to Hide TikTok Followers – Full List of Options

Here I will guide you on how to hide TikTok followers. TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. With its attractive filters and a super addictive For You which brings the latest content from the creators you love; it has made itself an irresistible app for many people who love to spend time online.

Now there are many settings on your profile that if have been set to default while installing and setting up your profile could be revealing more information about you to the visitors than it is normally necessary. Not showing your followers to others on this platform is one of the important privacy settings. Find out how to do that in this post.

How to Hide TikTok Followers

Image of How to Hide TikTok Followers

There are millions of active followers on TikTok. If you are somehow active, you must be getting many visitors on a daily basis. Now what they see when they come to your profile is determined by privacy settings on your personal profile on this platform.

Getting followed and stalked by people who are strangers could give a creepy feeling. However, with the right settings, you can stay safe. One such way is to hide TikTok followers.

This is a task that can be achieved easily. Before we get to the exact point let’s find out some important stuff that thinks is relevant to the topic and important for you to know.

Why is it Important to Hide TikTok Followers?

Among the basic settings is when the people who are following or the people who follow you and come to your profile can find the details about you from your profile. But for this to happen, your settings should be public.

In addition to the list of full information, they can view the full list of followers on your side. Now if you want this piece of information to disappear from your profile, you should hide it. When this is done, even with the settings set to ‘Public’ people will not be able to see your followers in any way.

Following is the list of options that can be used:

Choose Who Can View Your Followers

One of the easiest methods to hide the followers is using this option. Here you can choose who gets to see your followers list and who is denied access.

  1. Now open your app on your mobile phone. You must be logged in, if not get it done before moving ahead
  2. Go to Profile Icon which is in the bottom right corner
  3. Now tap the three superimposed bars in the top right corner of your mobile phone interface.
  4. Here you will find the ‘Settings and Privacy’ tab
  5. From here go to the ‘Privacy’ option
  6. Now locate ‘Interactions’ and select the ‘Following List’
  7. Here you will find two options ‘Only Me’ and ‘Everyone’
  8. Select the default you need. Choose ‘Only Me’ if you want the list to disappear.

The same steps will be required if you need to revert back to old settings in exactly the same pattern,

Put Your Account into Private Mode

Do you know there is a method that makes you visible only to the people who are already following you. Others will not be able to get a hint about your existence. This will keep your details private including your profile, followers, and more. Here is how to get this on your profile:

  1. Same as before open the app and log in if you are not already active
  2. Go to the profile icon on the bottom right
  3. Click the hamburger on the top right corner
  4. Find ‘Settings and Privacy
  5. Go to Privacy under the ‘Settings and Privacy option
  6. Find the ‘Private Account’ and toggle it on

After this, your profile will no longer be visible to other people and only people approved by you can follow and watch your videos. This does not affect your existing followers in any way.

Final Words

This guide on how to hide TikTok followers tells you how to be safe and more secure yet never stop growing your following. Using this method, you can hide some basic information that other people are trying to access. Using the methods mentioned here, achieve ninja status when it comes to your followers.

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