How to Find Old Conversations on Discord Platform

Discord is a platform that narrow downs meeting the right people as the easiest way into its existence. Now you can go about literally anything related to social media without additional noise. For newcomers, it could be a steep learning curve ahead. For example, some people are asking how to find old conversations on Discord.

It is not possible to go by the book when it comes to exploring various options on Discord. Compared to other social media platforms, its workings are a bit different. So, for people who are not used to the interface, finding out what they want could be a task. But guides like these are here to help you learn new things easily.

How to Find Old Conversations on Discord

Image of How to Find Old Conversations on Discord

The aim of Discord is all about connectivity and communication with other users. One way to communicate with other people on this platform is by using the text messaging service here.

Now, what you can do about it? Sometimes you really may need to go back to an old conversation in an attempt to find some relevant information or refresh a memory. In that case where to look and how to find the old exchange of words is easy.

If you are struggling to find the exact way this article will tell you how to find old conversations on Discord with ease. Since the platform does not allow you to look into the history directly, thus you might find it difficult to access old messages and conversations.

Some methods that work include finding specific dates or files or searching through users. So, by putting in the user name, or the name of any file including an image, audio, or video you can reach older conversations. Let’s discuss them in detail.

Using in: Channel Filter

This works for finding Discord message history as you can use filters in the form of file names, dates, timelines, etc. to go to a particular message.

  1. Go to the Discord app
  2. Find the search box that is usually at the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Now find the ‘in: channel’ feature.
  4. After that hear the channel with the message history you are looking for.
  5. Now you can pick between different messaging filters from ‘old’, ‘new, or ‘relevant.’
  6. After the selection, the messages will be narrowed down. You can review the message history to find the exact message you are looking for.

Using Discord History Tracker

This is a bit lengthier process but you can use it if the above method does not seem to work. For this, you have to install a user script such as ‘Violentmonkey’ or ‘Tampermonkey.’ After the installation, here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to Discord Chat History User Script.
  2. Tap the ‘install’ option at the top.
  3. Go to ‘Discord’ without leaving the browser.
  4. Now tap ‘Server’ or ‘Chat’ which you need the chat history for.
  5. Then tap the ‘DHT’ button in the top right corner or on the right side of the question mark icon if it is not visible.
  6. Now click ‘Start Tracking’ and find all the Discord Messages. Here all the tracked messages will be on display.
  7. Click ‘Download’ and you will have to save the file in ‘.txt’ format.
  8. After this open the file and you will get all the ‘Discord’ message history.

Using Discordmate Extension

The Discordmate extension for browsers can be used to get the older conversations back. For this go to Google Chrome Webstore and enter the term ‘Discordmate’ and click ‘Enter. Select the relevant option and add it to Chrome. Once this is done here is what you need to do:

  1. Go to Discord on your web browser.
  2. Tap the ‘Chat’ or ‘Server’ feature where you want to see the older messages for.
  3. Tap the extension icon of Discordmate.
  4. It will ask you to enter the dates for which the messages are required.
  5. Once you put the dates in then click search. It will display all the conversations that you can view directly or save for offline access.
  6. For later choose format and select ‘CSV’ or ‘.txt’ and tap on ‘Export.’
  7. This will create a copy on your PC that you can view anytime you want.

Final Words

Here is how to find old conversations on Discord. To find any conversation, you can now use the methods listed here and get all the old messages easily.

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