How to Delete Someone Else’s Message in Discord Dm – Guide

Apparently a common and simple action on other platforms, but when it comes to Discord Dms, they are kind of carved in stone when they are sent from other people. A whole crowd is asking how to delete someone else’s message in Discord dm.

It is really frustrating to see the messages sent by others which are inappropriate and not helpful in any way, yet you cannot get rid of them no matter what you try. This is because there seems no direct way to delete messages sent by someone else in our dm.

How to Delete Someone Else’s Message in Discord Dm

Image of How to Delete Someone Else’s Message in Discord Dm

According to expert opinion, there are no direct methods to delete someone else’s message in Discord dm though you can send them messages on their ID but cannot delete what they have sent you. As discord is designed in a way that allows only the author or creator of a message this authority only.

This even excludes the receiver, admins of servers, and other people from taking this step. But if a server owner has enabled the messages retention feature, only then they are able to delete messages older than a certain time period. This affects the messages within the last 14 days.

Is There No Way Out

Some people have given a number of methods to get rid of messages sent by other people on Discord. For example, on a mobile phone that includes both Apple and Android sets, you should go to your DM message.

Now find the chat that you want to delete. Select it and long-press the message. After a while, a pop-up will appear in the form of a box at the bottom of the screen. Here you can find ‘Close DM’ after you pick this option, the text will disappear, however, you must know that this will only happen for you and other people can still find it there.

Another answer to how to delete someone else’s message in Discord dm is that you can find the three dots on the right side and tap it to expand the list. This method works both on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and monitors alike.

After expanding the window from three dots find the ‘Close DM’ option. Tap on it and you will find the message disappear from the screen.

Other Options

As mentioned earlier, you can take other actions to remove the discord messages in dm. One way is to report the messages if there is something inappropriate or violating the terms and conditions of the Discord platform.

The Discord moderation team will take the appropriate action. At the same time, you can put in a server rule stopping members from sharing any content that is inappropriate. Make sure everyone is following the rule with the appropriate action on the cards for those who violate the rule.

The server moderator and admin roles provide these privileges to the people to delete the messages for both sender and receiver using the authority option. But this becomes invalid if the server posts a disclaimer that clearly states the messages sent cannot be removed. In such a situation you cannot delete these messages.

How to delete complete Discord DM

The process for deleting a Discord DM or a conversation is simple. Just follow the steps given below.

  1. Open the app and log into your account.
  2. Head to direct messages on the left screen where direct messages are displayed.
  3. Pick the DM that you want to remove from the list. Here you can find the full conversation. Give the confirmation and you will have to opt for ‘Yes’ which will delete it.

Final Words

As of now, the answer to asking how to delete someone else’s message in Discord DM is that the Discord platform does not provide any such option when it comes to getting rid of messages sent by others. In this article, all the possibilities are explored for you.

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