Find How Do I Hide Who I Follow on Instagram From My Followers

Though Instagram is just another social media platform but when it comes to privacy its rules are a bit lax as compared to other platforms. This is why people want to find answers to questions like how do I hide who I follow on Instagram from my followers.

If you have been looking for the same, it is time to give a full read to this article and find the right methods which you can use to achieve some privacy when it comes to followers and who you are following.

How Do I Hide Who I Follow on Instagram from My Followers

Image of How Do I Hide Who I Follow on Instagram From My Followers

Who is following you on Instagram and who you are following should be a private matter. This is not just to avoid necessary drama but to make sure no unnecessary beans are spilled to the people who do not matter.

The more information about you is public the more potential it has to be used by people against you. Now protecting personal privacy is the responsibility of the profile user. This is why you should know how to deal with things properly.

Is it Possible to Hide Followers on Instagram

The simple and straightforward answer to this question is that there is no exact method to keep other people away from the list of persons and brands you are following. This is how the platform is designed, to let people find and learn more about you easily.

When you are not changing some settings the people you are following and other users following you are open and visible to everyone. But with some changes in the settings, you can manage to hide some of the information about these followers.

How Can I Hide Who I Follow on Private Instagram Account

Everything about your profile should be open and accessible if it is about a brand, business, or influencer. But for the common folks, there is no necessity. So, if you are not a celebrity or an active influencer, it is advised to keep the information private.

On a public account, anyone from anywhere can see a lot of information about you. These include your profile picture, the people you are following, the people following you, etc.

But when you turn it into a private account, things get changed. Now only the people who you are following and connected to your account are able to see your following and followers list.

What Should I Do to Limit Visibility on Instagram

Though your Instagram account is like a shop where everything about you is on display. But there are some tricks and methods that can be used to become less visible to certain people. So apart from taking your profile private, here are some other options for you.

For example, by restricting a person or profile you can limit them. This way they cannot view your profile, whether you have read the messages they have sent you, your online status, etc.

For this simply go to your profile and find the Settings from where you can go to the ‘Privacy’ tab. Now here find ‘Connections’ and finally tap restricted accounts. Now search for the user name that you want to restrict and tap on the option next to the name.

The last and most extreme step is blocking people. This way, they will no longer be aware of your existence on the platform. To do that simply visit the profile and tap the three dots in the upper right corner. Now tap on ‘Block’ and confirm your action next.

Final Words

There is no straightforward answer to the question of how do I hide who I follow on Instagram from my followers. This is because when it comes to privacy, this platform does not work like other social media like Facebook, etc. But using the methods shared here, you can limit who can see what on your profile.

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