What is DMZ Break Check Mission in MW2 – How to Complete It

The DMZ Break Check mission in Modern Warfare 2 is one of the trickiest that players of all levels and skill sets find. This trait is not unique to this mission only as the DMZ wants your complete attention and focus while you are on the gameplay. However, the efforts are not in vain as you can get the chance to win rewards of various types and kinds.

How to Complete DMZ Break Check Mission?

Break Check Mission in DMZ MW2

In this guide, the XperimentalHamid will tell you what path to follow how to get to certain points, and the steps that you need to take. The DMZ Break Check is a Tier 2 mission from the White Lotus faction with three distinct objectives:

  • Locating the Car Crash Site Near the Observatory near or on the mountaintop.
  • Finding and extracting the Hard Drive near the crash site.
  • Dropping the Hard Drive in the Waterways Dead Drop on Ashika Island.

Now each of these steps needs some detailed guidance. In the sections below you will find the further details required for completing the Break Check in MW2 DMZ mission which has a similar pattern to DMZ Basilisk extraction.

How to Find Car Crash Site in DMZ Break Check Mission?

This is the first stage of the whole mission. The players can find the crashed car on a dirt road near the Observatory. The observatory in this mission is the Zaya Observatory in Al Mazrah. You can find this in the center of the map and identify it from the unique dome in white color. Now the crash site is located at E6 coordinates on the map to the south of the observatory. Rising smoke will help you identify the site from a distance.

Heads up! There will be a few hostile AI enemies that you will have to face while you are on your mission to get to the crash site. Thus make sure you are combat-ready, as you are on the go.

How to Find and Extract the Hard Drive from Crash Site?

Once you locate the crash site of the car the next task to complete is to find and extract the Hard Drive from this location. This hard drive is located at the rear of the car, near its inverted body on the side facing the dirt road.

One of the reasons that this DMZ Break Check mission is tricky is that many players could be vying for the hard drive at the same time. Now to make sure you lay your hands on it, try to reach the site at the earliest. If you cannot find it there that means someone has been here before you.

In such a scenario, either you can find the player who took the drive or get deployed again to increase your chances. But if you are lucky to grab the hard drive, simply extract it to complete the objective.

How to Find Waterways Dead Drop in Ashika Island?

The final part of the DMZ Break Check mission in MW2 is to drop this extracted hard drive from the car crash site in the Waterways Dead Drop on Ashika Island. This Waterways Dead Drop is near Port Ashika, on the southern side of the map.

This area is however heavily guarded by AI enemies which includes a few juggernauts as well. Thus get battle ready and get into action to complete the mission. Keep yourself on the right side of the tunnels and follow the path ahead. After a while, you can find the Waterways Dead Drop under the Tsuki Castle.

Now just drop the hard drive extracted from near the Observatory and the final objective will be complete which also concludes the mission for you.

Final Words

The DMZ Break Check mission in Modern Warfare 2 is one of the puzzling ones as usual. Not all players have clear heads on how to proceed in the game and complete the mission. If you are one of them then simply follow this guide and achieve your objectives in the shortest possible time.

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