How to Get Cool Discord Color Roles – Manual and Bot Explained

Do you know you can now give a profile on a server a specific color that will make them stand out in the crowd. The cool Discord color roles are so perfect that they make a great aesthetic look as well as perform a role-identifying task very well.

These colors indicate various clues depending on the server. Just click on a profile of a Discord user with a color and you can see they have a particular role in this group. For example, you find a user with a red color and they are identified as a moderator. Now wherever you see this name color that person is a moderator on that server.

How to Get Cool Discord Color Roles?

Cool Discord Color Roles

One of the interesting features of the Discord platform is the ability to get a color in your name in addition to changing server nicknames. But not everyone can get it randomly. Permission is required to change the name color. Now the users having the admin privileges can do that. So if you are just a member with no role or this privilege, there is no way for you to change the color yourself.

If you have the authority to make this customization, just follow these simple steps:

  1. From the left side of the screen right-click on the server name.
  2. Then tap the ‘Server Settings,’
  3. Now find the ‘Roles’ option from the opened window on the right side.
  4. Then you can locate and select the role from the list. This role name is visible on the right side of the screen with the role color visible just below the Roll name.
  5. Now choose the Role color from the predefined ones or go to ‘Custom Colors’ to personalize the color scheme.

How to Use Color Chan Bot to Automate Name Color

One way to make the changes to the colors is via the manual method described above. At the same time, the Discord users can automate the process to get cool Discord color options that will change with the upgrade in the role.

The Color Chan has over 17,000,000 color combinations to offer which it can allocate to users on any server type and of any size. Just add this bot to your account and integrate it with the Discord Server. Here is how you can use it:

  1. Add the Color Chan to your Discord Account.
  2. Open Discord and wait till the bot is active fully.
  3. After that change the ‘Color = color Name’ that you prefer for the account. You can see the change immediately.

What are some of the common commands for Color Chan?

This color bot is a useful automation that helps the user get things done without much effort. These commands include color help, color setup, color = ‘colorname’, color = ‘random’, color add random, color on join reset, color add suggestions, color list, color remove, etc.

Final Words

Cool Discord color roles are one of the best methods to get a name customization for your role or name on a server. If you are the administrator or you have these privileges granted by the administrators then use the steps described above and get your own color name.

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