Overwatch How to Check What Server I’m On – Guide

Overwatch is a first-person shooter game that provides a shared environment providing a platform to go for a one-vs-one shooting spree. All of this happens on multiple servers located across the globe. This is why gamers are searching Overwatch how to check what server I’m on?

Having the option for gamers to choose between multiple servers is a choice by default in most of the multi-player online games and Overwatch 2 is no exception. Now you can not only see your default server but can even change it to your preferred location.

Overwatch How to Check What Server I’m On

Image of Overwatch How to Check What Server I’m On

A team-based action game that is set in a future scenario where two teams in a 5v5 setup fight for ultimate victory. Here players can join hands with real-life friends or online folk for an intense PvP battle.

Pick your favorite character and get ready to take on your enemies in this time-bound arena. The best part you can move around different servers and always come across different players from around the world.

This not only helps gamers to avoid very high or abnormal pings in the gameplay when it is not your network but the load on servers causing the lag. When it comes to Overwatch 2, the currently active version of the game, there are 14 different serves to choose from.

The dedicated server locations are Los Angeles, Chicago, Columbus, Washington DC, Columbus in the USA; Rome, Paris, London, Amsterdam, and Frankfurt in Europe; Bahrain, Tokyo, Seoul, and Taipei in Asia; While another dedicated server located on the continent of Australia.

This is how to check what server I’m on in Overwatch:

  1. Press Control + Shift and N on your keyboard.
  2. This will activate OW 2 Network graph.
  3. From the top left of this graph, find the name of the server you are connected to right now.
  4. It is worth noting that each dedicated server has a unique ID associated with it. Such as GSGI for the Bahrain server, GAN3 for Seoul, TPE for Taipei, etc.

Can I choose which data center I connect to in matchmaking games?

The answer to this question is no. The matchmaker puts players in data centers that are apart in order to make sure the rules behind the matchmaking are fulfilled, such as combining players in groups, etc.

Other such aspects include matchmaking rating based on skill rating, and low peak times for the data center under consideration. This is what happens when you want to choose the data center manually. But you can specify the data center in a custom game situation.

I am not getting connected to the data center of my choice. Why?

With the Global Play, update 202 coming with CrossPlay Beta, the restriction on PCs is no longer valid. Now there is no restriction on where and which server to connect based on general region.

Final Words

Overwatch how to check what server I’m on is what people are asking after facing ping issues. With the removal of restriction for the general region connection, this was bound to happen. But you can get the information clearly.

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