How to Pull PSN Acc – Full Guide

PlayStation is one of the famous consoles for games. Every gamer who has not played on it dreams of owning one. For full-time PlayStation gamers, a PlayStation Network account brings many perks and privileges. If you have lost access this is how to pull PSN acc.

The PlayStation Network Account or the Sony Entertainment Network Account or SEN is essential to enjoy free games and much more. Such as buying games, saving processes, purchases, trophies, and other options. What if you cannot access it anymore? Can you pull it? Is it the same as recovering an Instagram account or any other social media platform for that matter? Find out here.

How to Pull PSN Acc

Image of How to Pull PSN Acc

PSN accounts getting hacked is a common phenomenon. If you have some similar experiences then do not get panicked. You can still get your account back if you follow the right set of actions.

For example, if you are getting emails in your associated email ID that you are placing orders PlayStation Store, changing your password, dissociating this email from your account, or changing your ID. When in reality you are not doing any of these things yourself, then you must understand that someone has gotten access to your account.

Now How to Pull the PSN Account

When facing such a situation, time is of the essence. By taking swift action you can minimize the damage. For that, the following steps are essential.

Change Password

This is the first and foremost step essential to reclaim what is yours. Now make sure this time you are using a stronger password and not letting the people with bad intentions get into your account again.

This is to make sure that even if you are using a similar password elsewhere for your online accounts, they are at risk too. Consider changing them too. In most hacking cases, it is simple and generic passwords that provide evil users a source of intrusion.

Account Recovery

If the other person has already changed the password, even going for option one will not be possible. The next step in such a situation is to go for the recovery of your account.

For this tap on ‘Trouble Signing in’ right on the login page. Then from the follow-up window tap ‘Reset Your Password’ and now provide the email address that will be used to send a password reset link. This will work if the other user has not unhinged the email ID.

Sing Out of All Devices

After you have successfully changed your password, it is time to make sure that no other devices are having a login session anywhere apart from the one device that you are currently using. For this first log in to your PSN account if you are not already in.

In the next step, head to the profile and find ‘Security’ from the left menu. This will take you to another page. Here find the ‘Sing Out on All Devices’ button. This will log you out of your PSN account on all the devices which are being or were used to access your account.

With this, you have removed the unauthorized devices that were accessing your account so far.

Turn on Two-Step Verification

Two-step verification is one of the best ways for you to ensure that you have double security preventing others from accessing your account just by cracking your password. For this step to work, you must have connected an active mobile phone number.

If this is not the status first connect a number to your PSN account. Then go to the security page and tap on the 2-Step verification column and enable the verification. After this every time you try logging in to your account a verification code will be sent to the associated mobile number.

Final Words

How to pull PSN acc is the first question that comes to the mind of a gamer when they no longer are able to access the PlayStation Network account. Here I mentioned all the steps and processes required for the purpose. Use the methods here to reclaim your account now.

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