How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike Instagram Cool Down

Just like any other social media platform, Instagram has its own list of worries and issues. Among them, at the top of the list are issues of spamming and fake accounts. This is why using various methods they are acting swiftly. If you have got the community guidelines strike Instagram cool down, you are not alone.

Now if you have been trying to use underhand tactics to grow an audience on your profile, then you might be on the radar and might face the same issue as many other users are facing currently. Some of these include getting blocked, disabling options and activities, etc.

Community Guidelines Strike Instagram Cool Down

Image of Community Guidelines Strike Instagram Cool Down

You might suddenly find yourself reading ‘Something you sent in a chat went against our community guidelines,’ at this time you might not be sure what has gone wrong. But to help you, there is a button right under the error that says, “See Community Guidelines.”

But when you tap on this button you will be taken to a community guidelines page which tells you what could be the possible reason for your suspension. But there is no way for you to appeal here. So here I will tell you what could be the reason behind your suspension and what can you to do tackle it.

Why Instagram Cool Down Guideline Strike is Sent

There are multiple reasons for receiving this message. If you are intentionally or unintentionally breaking the rules here, at that time you will face this issue. The best action for you to take is to wait till the error goes away.

This is a cool-down warning which will go away in the next 24 hours. But sometimes it could even stretch up to 48 hours. But if you think like you have been mistakenly sent this message, you can challenge the ruling easily.

Take care of a few things while posting or running an IG account. These include respecting intellectual property, using appropriate imagery, no illegal content, no spamming, no bullying, violence, or hate speech, and no self-injury, graphic content, or extreme gore footage.

If you have received the message given above, the platform can take additional action such as disabling your account, deleting it, or even removing it completely without giving you a warning.

Can I Find Out How I Violated Community Guidelines

By checking out the status of your account you can find out what went wrong and where. For this, you will have to follow a few steps. Here is how it should go:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ that you can find from the Profile> Three-line bar
  2. Here tap the ‘Settings’ option
  3. Now select the account option
  4. Here find the ‘Account Status’ page

Now you will find anything that you have posted and violated the community guidelines. Go through the list thoroughly and try to avoid it to make sure you do not break the guidelines again in the future.

How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

Once you receive the violation strike, it is not really much up to you. You might be suspended temporarily or permanently. In the former case, you can reactivate your Instagram account. But here are some widely used options by the people who have gone through this issue.

Wait it Out

Usually, the account gets banned for three days. In some cases, the days could even extend for more than three days. Now you can wait till the time is over and they restore your account to normal.

After the account has been reinstated, you can then get back to normal posting images and videos again. This time, make sure you are following the guidelines in the letters and spirits and never face the same issue again.

Use a Different Account

This is one of the best ways to pass the time till you get your original account reinstated. You can add a new account or log into a dormant one. At the same time, you have the option to use Instagram Web. Try that option too.

Report the Issue

If you think the Instagram algorithm has mistakenly taken your account down, then simply you can appeal to the platform to reconsider the case. This way they will come back to you with a proper answer and if they find that you were wronged, they will return your account.

Here is how to go about it:

  1. Open your Instagram app
  2. From Profile go to ‘Settings,’
  3. Here find ‘Settings,’
  4. Now find the ‘Help,’
  5. Here find ‘Report a Problem,’
  6. Here select ‘Include and Conclude’
  7. Now describe your issue and add a screenshot and finally press ‘Send.’

Final Words

Getting community guidelines strike Instagram cool down message in your Instagram is surely a reason to panic if you have been investing time and money in growing it. But if you think this action from the platform is not justified, I suggested the best methods to counter it.

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