All About Better Discord – Discord Hide Messages Plugin

Discord has come out as one of the common hangout options for online users who want a social media experience but without the unnecessary glitter. This is why there are multiple use cases coming out and at the same time developers are coming up with tools to help users go about their activities. The Discord hide messages plugin is one such option for users who want to hide their messages in their inboxes. Since there is no direct method to achieve this. This XperimentalHamid will help you understand what this plugin is and how you can use it to maximize the output.

What is Discord Hide Messages Plugin?

How to Use Discord Hide Messages Plugin

This is a Discord platform plugin that is developed to help individual users, servers, server managers, channels and their owners, and other general users to hide information of various types and kinds. There are many options in the market that do the trick for you, but here I am going to introduce Better Discord. A widely useful and easy-to-use option.

How to Get and Use Better Discord Plugin

Discord messaging is one of the easiest ways of communication on the platform. Now, this is not legally authorized by the Discord platform and user discretion is advised in using it. To begin you must go to the BetterDiscord app website and get the latest version app. From the same website get the ‘Apate’ plugin. After getting these two files on your system it is time to go for the next step.

It is time to first install the Better Discord app from the installer. After accepting the license agreement choose the Discord version which could be basic, PTB, or Canary, and click the ‘Install’ option. After the completion of the process go to ‘user settings’ and locate the ‘Better Discord’ option there.

Right after a few more tabs is the ‘Plugins’ option. There it might read ‘You do not have any plugins.’ With an ‘Open Plugin Folder,’ action button. Use this option and it should take you to a blank folder. Keep this new window open and go to ‘Downloads’ from a new window and locate the ‘Apate.plugin.js.’ Drag this file from the ‘Downloads’ section and move it to the blank folder opened above.

Now there could be a message on the Discord app telling you the ‘Library Missing,’ with a ‘Download Now’ action button available. Use this button and it will do the trick. From the plugins window, you can enable the Apate as well as the new Zeres plugin. They are active now and you can send and receive hidden messages.

Additionally, it offers you the option to get a hidden ‘About Me,’ section. You can get it from the Apate plugin settings icon. Here just enable the ‘Hidden About Me Messages,’ After that, you can use the About Me and messaging option and send hidden messages. It is pertinent to know that the hidden messages will only be shown to those who are also using the same plugin as you. For all other users, it will be nothing.

For example, you can go to any server and type a message “Hey *This is a Test Hidden Message from Discord Hide Messages Plugin* and use the ‘Key’ icon in the same line to send this. The text between asterisks will be hidden and will only be visible to the people who have the plugin installed.

Final Words

When you do not want all the people to see some messages on Discord servers then you must use the Discord Hide Messages Plugin. This plugin helps the users to establish a secrete and secure connection with the people they want using the same interface used by other users. Only you and the people who have the plugin installed like you can read and send messages and replies.

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