Hogwarts Merlin Goblin Encampment Puzzle Solution

The game of Hogwarts Legacy is filled with puzzles and tricky maneuvers which if you are not keen enough to solve with all your heart could take ages to complete. Now the Hogwarts Merlin Goblin encampment puzzle is one of them. This puzzle falls in the Valley region and you must know the exact location and steps to fill the empty slots. For the first timers, this could seem like an impossible task, but don’t worry, here you will find the complete guide.

Hogwarts Merlin Goblin Encampment

Hogwarts Merlin Goblin Encampment Solution

To move ahead in this Hogwarts Legacy, completing the Hogwarts Merlin Goblin encampment is a must and same is true for each and ever step including the Hogwarts Legacy Bridge Bones Puzzles. For many players, the Merlin Trial is a tricky and confusing puzzle to go through. After completing these trials you can enjoy the powerful inventory expansion along with the enhanced gear capacity.

Now, here is how a seasoned player will tread:

How to Complete Goblin Camp Merlin Trial?

It all begins with clearing the Goblin Camp which is located within the Merlin Trial. You will find about 4 Goblins moving around. Here you have two options, either fight with them in one go or sneak to each of them using the Disillusionment charm and take care of them with Petrificus Totalus.

At the same time you must be aware of the fact that you will need Wingardium Leviosa in this Merlin Trial, so make sure you have already unlocked it. Add a fiery spell like Confringo or Incendio to your arsenal too which will be required for burning the vines during the Merlin Trial.

Now it is about taking care of goblins using one of the above-mentioned formulas. After taking them out just you can approach the Merlin Trial. Now it is time to place the Mallowsweet leaves on the Merlin Trial and it will be activated. After that, it is all about locating the three circular platforms surrounding the camp.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to make an effort to locate them as they are easily visible. Yet the trickiest part of this puzzle is locating and dragging the three sets of five balls each and placing them on these platforms.

At the Merlin Trial find the Iron Gate which you can get to and activate. Anyone can open this gate without using Alohomora. This means you can complete it with the help of the right spells.

After opening the gate, turn left and there are five balls. Now use the Wingardium Leviosa spell and they will levitate and follow you along. Now walk back to the gate and look to the left where there is the circular platform waiting for you. Move around the platform and the five balls will follow you to the platform and arrange themselves. Immediately vines will grow showing the plate is activated. There are two more to go.

To find the next one, go upstairs to the left of the Merlin Trial. The five balls required are nearby and can be found on a raised platform along the wall under a mechanical machine. You can see this machine from the circular platform. Again use the Wingardium Leviosa and carry the balls to the platform like before. After the balls get loaded, it will activate the vine and it is done. Now, the last one to go.

To find the third one you have to make a little more effort. Go out of the enclosure and go right along the wall. Then you will find the platform. If you cannot find it use the ‘Revelio’ which will clear the marks with a blue glow towards the platform. Now you will need the Incendio or Confrigo spell. From the platform turnaround around the wall and look for the rock outcropping on your left-hand side about 10 to 11 o’clock direction.

Go to the rock and cast ‘Revelio’ and you will see the 5 balls under it which are currently hidden under vines. Go closer and cast the Incendio/Confringo. This spell will remove the vines and expose the balls. Now use the same method as before to activate the platform. This time thought you might have to wait a bit longer but the balls will find the way eventually. With this this Hogwarts Merlin goblin encampment puzzle is complete.

Final Words

Hogwarts Merlin goblin encampment Merlin Trial looks a bit hard to complete but in reality, it is just a simple one with the task of finding the circular platforms and placing the 5 balls on each. But don’t forget to neutralize the goblins beforehand.

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