How to Fix No Audio Chat Warzone PS4

Is no audio chat Warzone PS4 bothering you? The Call of Duty: Warzone’s adrenaline-fueled battles are best experienced with constant team communication in real-time. But many PS4 players are reporting frustrating issues with Warzone voice chat. Are you too unable to talk to and strategize with your squad? You are not alone.

Without proper communication, the players are at a severe disadvantage especially if the team on the other side is coordinating without an issue. Luckily, there are some fixes to go through that will help you resolve the audio issue when playing Warzone on PS4.

Fix No Audio Chat Warzone PS4 Issue

Fix No Audio Chat Warzone PS4

No matter how awesome a game is, if the players are unable to use and enjoy the common utilities and options, the overall experience takes a dive into the frustration zone. The same is happening with the Warzone 2.0 players for various reasons. As the game is all about coordination, voice chat is essential to win matches by making strategic moves on time.

Let’s go through the step-by-step troubleshoots to get the audio chat back on PS4 when playing the Warzone game.

Test Your Voice Input Device

Is your microphone connected to the PS4 properly? Check out the proper situation or reconnect or replug it once more. Then check whether the microphone is muted. In a hurry, you might ignore these but they surely create trouble making you unable to enjoy the voice feature.

Check in-Game Audio Settings

This is essential as there could be a setting change that leads to the mute situation in the gameplay.

  1. Go to ‘Start Menu’ and search ‘Sound Settings.’
  2. Here locate the ‘Input’ and choose the microphone that you are using as the active headset.
  3. Now from the ‘ client’ open the Warzone 2.0 game.
  4. Then locate the game settings and get inside.
  5. From the ‘Options’ set the microphone device that you are using as the ‘Default Communication Device.’
  6. After this, restart the device and after the boot, relaunch the game.

Enable Microphone Access on PS4

The microphone access to the Warzone 2.0 is not enabled automatically. You must select the ‘enable microphone access’ to ‘Yes’ mode in order to enjoy the voice input and reception.

  1. Go to the Main Menu on PS4.
  2. From the upper right corner go to the cogwheel icon and choose it.
  3. Now opt for ‘Sound.
  4. Locate ‘Microphone.’
  5. Then select ‘Controller Microphone’ for the ‘Input device.’
  6. From the dropdown change the microphone status to ‘unmute.’
  7. Now choose the microphone device in use as the ‘input device.’
  8. After this launch the Warzone 2.0.

The audio chat for the Warzone must be enabled by now.

Final Words

After going through the above steps, you can overcome the no audio chat Warzone PS4 issue. If it still persists, disabling antivirus protection, and using safe mode for the game could be an additional option. If you perform all these troubleshoots and still find yourself unable to hear or join the audio chat then consulting the Activision support is the best option.

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